“The Priests 2: Dark Nuns” is an upcoming horror film that is set to be released on January 24, 2025, in South Korea. While it is not a direct sequel or spin-off of the 2015 film “The Priests,” both films share a common theme of a child possessed by an evil spirit and are produced by ZIP CINEMA.
Plot Synopsis:
The story revolves around a young boy named Hee-Joon (played by Moon Woo-Jin) who becomes possessed by an evil spirit. Those around him, including a determined nun and a psychiatrist, struggle to save him. Nun Yunia (played by Song Hye-Kyo) is committed to helping Hee-Joon despite the powerful pain he endures. She is joined by Nun Mikaela (played by Jeon Yeo-Bin), who decides to assist Yunia amidst the chaos. Priest Paul (played by Lee Jin-Uk), a psychiatrist, believes in curing Hee-Joon through medical treatment, while Priest Andrew (played by Heo Jun-Ho) aims to expel the evil spirit through exorcism.
The film features an impressive cast:
- Song Hye-Kyo as Nun Yunia
- Jeon Yeo-Bin as Nun Mikaela
- Lee Jin-Uk as Priest Paul
- Heo Jun-Ho as Priest Andrew
- Moon Woo-Jin as Hee-Joon
Teaser Poster:
A teaser poster has been released for international markets, depicting Nun Yunia and Nun Mikaela with Hee-Joon, who is possessed by the dark spirit. The image hints at the film's tense and thrilling atmosphere.
Filming Information:
Filming for “The Priests 2: Dark Nuns” began on February 22, 2024. As the release date approaches, more promotional materials and trailers are expected to be released, building anticipation among fans.