Cells at Work (Japanese: はたらく細胞; Hataraku Saibou) is an upcoming Japanese live-action movie set for release on December 13, 2024. Directed by Hideki Takeuchi and based on Akane Shimizu’s popular manga series, the film stars Mei Nagano and Takeru Satoh. It brings to life the imaginative world inside the human body, where cells are anthropomorphized and work tirelessly to maintain health.


Shigeru Urushizaki (Sadawo Abe), a widower, leads an unhealthy lifestyle, indulging in junk food, alcohol, and cigarettes. Despite the toxic conditions in his body, his cells strive to keep him functioning. His teenage daughter, Niko Urushizaki (Mana Ashida), contrasts her father by living healthily, managing her studies, and running their household. Inside her body, cells like red blood cell AE3803 (Mei Nagano) and white blood cell U-1146 (Takeru Satoh) work enthusiastically to maintain her well-being. However, as pathogens start invading, the cells must defend against the impending danger.


  • Mei Nagano as Red Blood Cell AE3803
  • Takeru Satoh as White Blood Cell U-1146
  • Sadawo Abe as Shigeru Urushizaki
  • Mana Ashida as Niko Urushizaki
  • Koji Yamamoto as Killer T Cell
  • Riisa Naka as NK Cell
  • Wakana Matsumoto as Macrophage
  • Shota Sometani as Helper T Cell
  • Rihito Itagaki as New Red Blood Cell
  • Ryo Kato as Senior Red Blood Cell
  • Kyoko Fukada as Liver Cell
  • Ainosuke Kataoka as Pneumococci
  • Shinya Niiro as Streptococcus Pyogenes
  • Maju Ozawa as Staphylococcus Aureus


  • Director: Hideki Takeuchi
  • Writer: Akane Shimizu (manga), Yuichi Tokunaga
  • Distributor: Warner Bros. Japan
  • Release Date: December 13, 2024
  • Runtime: 109 minutes

The film promises a visual spectacle, with scenes filmed across 31 locations in Japan and featuring 7,500 extras. Its theme song, "50%" by Official Hige Dandism, adds to the film’s charm. The movie blends educational insights about the human body with entertaining, action-packed sequences as the cells combat invading pathogens.