Romance in the House, also known by its literal title Family X Melo, is a South Korean drama series directed by Kim Da-Ye and written by Kim Young-Yoon. It airs on JTBC and is scheduled for a 12-episode run from August 10 to September 15, 2024. The show is broadcast on weekends at 22:30 KST.

What’s It About?

Romance in the House is a heartwarming family drama about a man, Byeon Moo-Jin, who returns after many years as the owner of the building where his ex-wife and kids live. His return stirs up old emotions and conflicts. His daughter, Byeon Mi-Rae, wants nothing to do with him, while his son, Byeon Hyun-Jae, is more open to the idea of reconciliation.

Adding to the drama, Mi-Rae starts a secret romance with Nam Tae-Pyeong, a security guard who hides his true identity.

  • Tune in to JTBC on weekends for this touching story of family, love, and second chances.

Show Information

  • Title: Romance in the House
  • Korean Title: 가족X멜로
  • Director: Kim Da-Ye
  • Writer: Kim Young-Yoon
  • Episodes: 12
  • Air Dates: August 10 - September 15, 2024
  • Network: JTBC
  • Time: Saturdays & Sundays at 10:30 PM

Romance in the House Chart

  • Ji Jin-Hee Byun Moo-jin

    Ji Jin-Hee

  • Ahn Jeong-In Ahn Jeong-In

    Yang Jo-A

      Family Villa

    • Jung Suk-Yong Jang Choon-Sik

      Jung Suk-Yong

    • Jung Suk-Yong Hwang Jin-Hee

      Hwang Jung-Min

    • Jung Suk-Yong Hwang Jin-Hee

      Hwang Jung-Min

    • Jung Suk-Yong Lee Jeong-Hyeok

      Kim Do-Hyun

    • Yoo Se-Ri Yoo Se-Ri

      Hwang Bo-Ra

    • AsianWikiChart 1 Gangnam

      Lee Kyo-Yeob

    • chartdrama Choi Dong-Jin

      Kim Ki-Cheon

  • Apartment 102

    chart Geum Ae-Yeon

    Kim Ji-Soo

  • chart Geum Mi-Rae

    Kim Ji-Soo

  • chart Byeon Hyeon-Jae

    Yoon San-Ha

  • Father and Son

    chart Nam Chi-Yeol

    Jung Woong-In

  • chart Nam Tae-Pyeong
