The Tyrant (Korean: 폭군; RR: Pokkoon) is an upcoming South Korean thriller television series set to premiere on Disney+ on August 14, 2024. The series is scripted and directed by Park Hoon-Jung, known for his work on "The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion." The show stars Cha Seung-Won, Kim Sun-Ho, Kim Kang-Woo, and Jo Yoon-Soo. It revolves around the aftermath of a missing sample from the covert Tyrant Program, which leads various groups to race against time to locate it.

The Tyrant (2024 Korean Drama) Latest TV Show on Disney+


The last sample of the Tyrant Program, a secret initiative focused on developing a superhuman gene drug, goes missing during delivery. People from different groups struggle to find this missing sample, each driven by their own motives and agendas.

  • Im Sang (Cha Seung-Won) is a former agent tasked with eliminating those connected to the Tyrant Program.
  • Choi (Kim Sun-Ho) is the director of a government agency that secretly operates the Tyrant Program.
  • Paul (Kim Kang-Woo) is an agent from a foreign intelligence agency determined to destroy the final sample.
  • Ja-Kyeong (Jo Yoon-Soo) becomes entangled in the chaos surrounding the missing sample.


  • Cha Seung-Won as Im Sang
  • Kim Sun-Ho as Choi
  • Kim Kang-Woo as Paul
  • Jo Yoon-Soo as Ja-Kyeong
  • Jang Young-Nam


  • Creator: Park Hoon-Jung
  • Director: Park Hoon-Jung
  • Writer: Park Hoon-Jung
  • Network: Disney+
  • Episodes: 4
  • Release Date: August 14, 2024
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea

Promotional Material

Teaser Trailer

The teaser trailer highlights various dramatic and suspenseful moments, including:

  • Im Sang (Cha Seung-Won) questioning a delivery accident.
  • An anonymous voice asking about the sample.
  • Choi (Kim Kang-Woo) referring to the Tyrant Program and the superhuman gene drug.
  • Various characters expressing concerns and frustrations about the Tyrant Program's uncontrollable nature.

Teaser Poster

The teaser poster features Jo Yoon-Soo as Ja-Kyeong with a caption that reads, "The last sample disappeared. Beginning to go out of control."


  • Filming began on January 2, 2023.


  1. "Teaser trailer and poster added for Disney+ drama series 'The Tyrant'." AsianWiki. [Link to source]
  2. "The Tyrant (폭군)". Korean Drama Database (KMDb). [Link to source]

External Links