The Haunted Palace (literal title: "Gwigoong") is an upcoming South Korean historical fantasy and romantic-comedy drama series set to air on SBS in 2025. The series features Yook Sung-Jae, Bona, and Kim Ji-Hoon in the lead roles. Written by Yoon Soo-Jung, known for "Cheer Up!," and directed by Yun Seong-Sik, who previously directed "Cleaning Up," the drama intertwines elements of fantasy, romance, and comedy within a historical context.


The story revolves around three central characters:

  • Yoon Gab (played by Yook Sung-Jae): A handsome and reputable government officer working within the royal palace. His life takes an unexpected turn when his body becomes possessed by an Imoogi, a mythical dragon-like creature. This possession leads to strange behavior and rumors about his sanity.
  • Yeo-Ri (played by Bona): The only granddaughter of a famous shaman. Despite possessing a divine gift, she refuses her fate as a spirit medium and works as a glasses craftswoman. Yeo-Ri's first love is Yoon Gab, and she becomes entangled in the mystery when the Imoogi possessing Yoon Gab seeks her body to ascend to Heaven. Yeo-Ri resists this fate and enters the palace filled with powerful female ghosts and evil spirits.
  • King Lee Sung (played by Kim Ji-Hoon): A reformist monarch with dreams of a strong Joseon nation. He becomes involved in the strange and terrible incidents occurring within the palace, all related to the powerful female ghosts holding grudges against the royal family.

Together, Yoon Gab, Yeo-Ri, and King Lee Sung work to uncover the secret of the female ghosts and restore peace to the palace.


  • Yook Sung-Jae as Yoon Gab
  • Bona as Yeo-Ri
  • Kim Ji-Hoon as Lee Sung


  • Writer: Yoon Soo-Jung
  • Director: Yun Seong-Sik
  • Network: SBS
  • Release Date: 2025
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea


Yoon Gab is a respected government officer with a promising career and a striking appearance. His life changes drastically when he becomes possessed by an Imoogi, causing people to think he has lost his mind. The possession links him to Yeo-Ri, his first love and the granddaughter of a shaman. Despite her divine gift, Yeo-Ri refuses to become a spirit medium and works as a glasses craftswoman. The Imoogi seeks Yeo-Ri's body to ascend to Heaven, but she resists, leading her to the palace haunted by female ghosts. King Lee Sung, a reformist monarch, dreams of strengthening Joseon but faces numerous challenges as bizarre and terrifying incidents plague the palace. Together, Yoon Gab, Yeo-Ri, and King Lee Sung strive to uncover the secrets behind the female ghosts haunting the royal family.


  • "The Haunted Palace" takes over SBS's time slot previously occupied by other drama series.
  • The drama promises a mix of historical intrigue, fantasy elements, and a romantic-comedy storyline, appealing to a broad audience.