Shoutai (Japanese: 正体) is an upcoming Japanese suspense film set to be released on November 29, 2024. The movie is directed by Michihito Fujii and is based on the 2020 novel "Shoutai" by Tamehito Somei, which was previously adapted into a 2022 WOWOW drama series starring Kazuya Kamenashi. The film stars Riho Yoshioka, Shintaro Morimoto, Anna Yamada, and Takayuki Yamada. The identity of the actor playing the main character, Kaburagi, has not yet been revealed.
Kaburagi, a suspect in a brutal murder case, escapes custody and goes on the run across Japan. During his time in hiding, he encounters Sayaka (Riho Yoshioka), Kazuya (Shintaro Morimoto), and Mai (Anna Yamada). Detective Matanuki (Takayuki Yamada) is determined to capture Kaburagi and interrogates the people who met him. Interestingly, each of them describes Kaburagi differently. Kaburagi has been missing for 488 days, leaving everyone questioning his true identity and his ultimate plan.
- Riho Yoshioka as Sayaka
- Shintaro Morimoto as Kazuya
- Anna Yamada as Mai
- Takayuki Yamada as Detective Matanuki
- Director: Michihito Fujii
- Writers: Tamehito Somei (novel), Michihito Fujii, Kazuhisa Kodera
- Distributor: Shochiku
- Release Date: November 29, 2024
- Language: Japanese
- Country: Japan
The teaser trailer for "Shoutai" introduces the suspenseful atmosphere of the film, highlighting the intense manhunt for Kaburagi. It features glimpses of the main characters, each providing different descriptions of Kaburagi, thereby adding to the mystery surrounding his identity.
- The film is based on the novel "Shoutai" by Tamehito Somei, published on January 21, 2020, by Kobunsha.
- "Shoutai" was previously adapted into a 2022 WOWOW drama series starring Kazuya Kamenashi.
Related Titles
- Shoutai (WOWOW / 2022)
- Shoutai (2024)