Saint Young Men, also known as Saint Oniisan: The Movie Hori Men VS Akuma Gundan, is an upcoming Japanese comedy film directed by Yuichi Fukuda, based on the popular manga series Saint Oniisan by Hikaru Nakamura. The film stars Kenichi Matsuyama as Jesus and Shota Sometani as Buddha, bringing a humorous twist to the divine duo's adventures in Tokyo.

Plot Synopsis

Jesus (Kenichi Matsuyama) and Buddha (Shota Sometani), two divine beings who have taken a break from their celestial duties, decide to enjoy life on Earth, specifically in Tokyo. They live together and experience the four seasons of Japan, eventually forming a comedy duo named Panchi to Ronge. However, their peaceful existence is disrupted when an unexpected visitor arrives, bringing shocking news that leads to an unpredictable and humorous battle involving gods, Buddhas, angels, and demons.

Main Cast

  • Kenichi Matsuyama as Jesus: The son of God, who brings a laid-back and comical demeanor to his life in Tokyo.
  • Shota Sometani as Buddha: The enlightened one, who shares a quirky friendship and comedic partnership with Jesus.
  • Kento Kaku as Brahma
  • Takanori Iwata as Michael
  • Mai Shiraishi as Benzaiten
  • Ryo Katsuji as Taishakuten
  • Jiro Sato as Immortal Mountain Fairy of Battle
  • Masataka Kubota as Mara
  • Mizuki Yamamoto as Mara's First Daughter
  • Hinako Sakurai as Mara's Second Daughter
  • Seina Nakata as Mara's Third Daughter

Production Details

  • Movie: Saint Young Men / Saint Oniisan: The Movie Hori Men VS Akuma Gundan
  • Romaji: Saint Oniisan: The Movie Hori Men VS Akuma Gundan
  • Japanese: 聖☆おにいさん THE MOVIE ホーリーメンVS悪魔軍団
  • Director: Yuichi Fukuda
  • Writer: Hikaru Nakamura (manga), Yuichi Fukuda
  • Producer: TBA
  • Cinematographer: TBA
  • Release Date: December 20, 2024
  • Runtime: TBA
  • Distributor: Toho
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Language: Japanese
  • Country: Japan


Saint Young Men is a highly anticipated live-action adaptation that brings the beloved manga characters Jesus and Buddha to life. With a unique premise that combines divine beings living ordinary lives with comedy and unexpected battles, the film promises to deliver a fresh and entertaining experience. The star-studded cast and the direction of Yuichi Fukuda, known for his previous works like "Black Night Parade," add to the excitement surrounding this release.

Fans of the original manga and newcomers alike can look forward to the film's release on December 20, 2024, in Japan, as Jesus and Buddha navigate the challenges of earthly life with humor and divine charm.
