No Way Out: The Roulette is an upcoming South Korean drama series set to premiere on July 31, 2024, on Disney+ and U+Mobile TV. The series stars Cho Jin-Woong, Yoo Jae-Myung, Kim Moo-Yul, and Yum Jung-Ah. It is directed by Choi Kook-Hee and written by Lee Su-Jin.

No Way Out: The Roulette


An unprecedented heinous criminal, Kim Kook-Ho (Yoo Jae-Myung), is released from prison after serving 13 years. Upon his release, a public bounty of 20 billion won (approximately $15 million) is offered for his murder, sparking a deadly game of cat and mouse. Detective Baek Joong-Sik (Cho Jin-Woong) is tasked with protecting the notorious criminal from citizens who are now hunters. Kim Kook-Ho has lawyer Lee Sang-Bong (Kim Moo-Yul) as his legal representative. Meanwhile, Yoon Chang-Jae (Lee Kwang-Soo) is a butcher trying to recover his missing money amidst the chaos.


  • Cho Jin-Woong as Baek Joong-Sik
  • Yoo Jae-Myung as Kim Kook-Ho
  • Kim Moo-Yul as Lee Sang-Bong
  • Yum Jung-Ah as An Myeong-Ja
  • Lee Kwang-Soo as Yoon Chang-Jae
  • Sung Yoo-Bin as Seo Dong-Ha
  • Greg Hsu as Mr. Smile


  • Director: Choi Kook-Hee
  • Writer: Lee Su-Jin
  • Network: U+Mobile TV, Disney+
  • Episodes: To be announced
  • Release Date: July 31, 2024
  • Language: Korean
  • Country: South Korea

Teaser Trailer

The main trailer for "No Way Out: The Roulette" sets the tone for a thrilling and suspenseful series. Captions in the trailer provide a glimpse into the plot:

  • (0:21) "Public contract killing"
  • (0:34) "20 billion won as a reward for the murder"
  • (0:49) "The target has been decided!"
  • (1:01) "Would you like to participate?"
  • (1:25) "Protect"
  • (1:27) "Kill"
  • (1:29) "Those who want to live"
  • (1:31) "War without exit"


  • Actor Lee Sun-Kyun was initially cast to play Baek Joong-Sik but dropped out prior to filming due to a drug scandal in October 2023.

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This drama series promises intense action and suspense, drawing viewers into a high-stakes game where survival is the ultimate prize.