Lion no Kakurega (Japanese: ライオンの隠れ家) is an upcoming Japanese human drama series set to air on TBS in October 2024. The series is directed by Toshio Tsuboi, with an original screenplay written by Koji Tokuo and Yoshino Ichinohe. The drama features Yuya Yagira, Ryota Bando, and Tasuku Sato in the lead roles.
The story centers around Hiroto Komori, an ordinary and kind young man who works at city hall. After the sudden death of their parents in an accident, Hiroto takes on the responsibility of caring for his younger brother, Michito Komori, who has autism spectrum disorder. Michito, though poor at communicating and quite stubborn, possesses an excellent sense of perception and talent in the arts, working at a small art office as an artist. The brothers lead a peaceful and ordinary life until a boy named Lion unexpectedly enters their lives, leading to significant changes and challenges.
- Yuya Yagira as Hiroto Komori: A kind young man working at city hall, who becomes the guardian of his younger brother after their parents' death.
- Ryota Bando as Michito Komori: Hiroto's younger brother with autism spectrum disorder, an artist with exceptional talent and perception.
- Tasuku Sato as Lion: A mysterious boy who appears and becomes part of Hiroto and Michito's lives.
- Director: Toshio Tsuboi
- Writers: Koji Tokuo, Yoshino Ichinohe
- Network: TBS
- Episodes: To be announced
- Release Date: October 2024
- Runtime: Fridays at 22:00
- Language: Japanese
- Country: Japan
Hiroto Komori (Yuya Yagira) is a dedicated young man working at city hall, living a simple life while taking care of his younger brother, Michito Komori (Ryota Bando), who has autism spectrum disorder. Michito struggles with communication and is quite stubborn, yet he has a remarkable gift for art, working as an artist at a small office. Their lives are turned upside down when a young boy named Lion (Tasuku Sato) enters their world, bringing unforeseen challenges and changes.
- "Lion no Kakurega" will take over TBS's Friday 22:00 time slot, previously occupied by "Smiling Matryoshka."
- The series marks a collaboration between screenwriter Koji Tokuo and director Toshio Tsuboi, who previously worked together on the 2020 TBS drama series "My Housekeeper Nagisa-san."