MBC has unveiled the third teaser trailer for its upcoming drama series "Bitter Sweet Hell," featuring lead stars Kim Hee-Seon and Lee Hye-Young. The teaser provides further insight into the intense familial dynamics and suspenseful storyline of the series.

Opening with Kim Hee-Seon's character stating, "This kind of thing is called absurd," the teaser delves into the complexities of family relationships and hidden secrets. Kim Hee-Seon's character expresses her disillusionment with the notion of family after years of deception, while Lee Hye-Young's character ominously suggests the desire for revenge.

The teaser hints at the mysterious and dangerous nature of the plot, with references to a potential crime scene and the ominous warning about a novel depicting killing the daughter-in-law. Lee Hye-Young's character, portrayed as a charismatic and enigmatic figure, adds to the suspense with her cryptic remarks and manipulative demeanor.

As the tension escalates, Kim Hee-Seon's character confronts the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface, leading to a gripping exchange between the characters as they navigate the perilous situation together.

Set to premiere on May 24, 2024, in South Korea, "Bitter Sweet Hell" promises a thrilling and suspenseful narrative that explores the complexities of family dynamics and the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their loved ones.

Stay tuned for the premiere of "Bitter Sweet Hell" on MBC, where secrets unravel and alliances are tested in a gripping tale of betrayal and survival.