Netflix has dropped the teaser trailer and poster for its highly anticipated drama series "Hierarchy," featuring a star-studded cast including Roh Jeong-Eui, Lee Chae-Min, and Kim Jae-Won. Penned by renowned screenwriter Chu Hye-Mi ("About Time"), the series is set to take viewers on a captivating journey into the secretive world of Jooshin High School.
Set against the backdrop of the ultra-prestigious Jooshin High School, where students belong to the top echelons of society, "Hierarchy" promises to unravel the hidden truths lurking beneath the facade of perfection. The teaser trailer offers a glimpse into the meticulously curated world of the elite, where privilege and power reign supreme.
Accompanied by the caption "The school of perfect order. Admire it or despise it," the teaser poster sets the tone for the series, hinting at the dichotomy between reverence and disdain that defines the school's reputation.
As the plot unfolds, viewers will be introduced to a cast of characters who navigate the complexities of high society, including Jung Jae-Yi (Roh Jeong-Eui), Kim Ri-An (Kim Jae-Won), Yoon He-Ra (Ji Hye-Won), and Lee Woo-Jin (Lee Won-Jung). Their lives are irrevocably changed with the arrival of Kang Ha (Lee Chae-Min), whose innocent demeanor belies a hidden agenda that threatens to disrupt the carefully constructed hierarchy of Jooshin High School.
With themes of ambition, intrigue, and betrayal, "Hierarchy" promises to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative and stellar performances.
Mark your calendars for June 7, 2024, when "Hierarchy" will be available to stream on Netflix. Prepare to delve into the secretive world of Jooshin High School, where appearances can be deceiving and power comes at a price.